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As we approach one of the biggest national holidays in the U.S., my Facebook page has been flooded with family and friends talking about what they are thankful for in their lives. My sister in particular has been doing this daily and it really has gotten me thinking about what I an truly thankful for in my life. And though I am truly grateful for everything we have been blessed with in our lives, there are a few that stand out over the past year of our lives:
- Having a son. Not to state the obvious, but I am truly thankful to have been blessed with a baby boy. What a true joy it is to watch him grow and learn and just enjoy life. Our little man has an extremely happy disposition and can bring a smile to anyone’s face with his happy-go-lucky attitude and sweet little two-tooth smiles :). I have learned so much about myself and grown to love more than I thought possible over the last year, and am thankful for that.
- My wife. Basically, I am the luckiest guy in the world. I married a woman far more attractive than me, who loves and takes care of our family, has a huge heart for others and cooks a wicked mean white bean soup! Seriously, I don’t know how *this* guy ended up with a beautiful bride like Michelle. I am forever going to be puzzled and amazed by this.

- Awesome family. I probably don’t tell them enough, but I really do love my family. When we get together, it’s just pure fun, and no matter what life has in store, our family is always there for us. We’re pretty blessed to live close to our HUGE family, and really enjoy hanging out with them.

- Church. An extension of our family, we feel blessed to have found a wonderful church that is all about Jesus, and have built some amazing relationships over the years. Look forward to raising our kids here and continuing to build a family in this community.
But, What About Budgets?
I always talk about how budgeting affects every aspect of your life, and this is no different. If you have read through my budgeting basics, you would know that my first post EVER on this site was about laying a financial foundation. This included sitting down and writing out your priorities. For me, our priorities included all of the above things I am thankful for, and I prioritize my money in a way that reflects that. An example of this is our home. One of the primary uses for it is to host dinners, parties, holidays and get-togethers to enjoy our family and friends as much as possible. We hope to build a local community using our home as a meeting place to love on others and enjoy life. You can build your budget in a way that follows your priorities as well, so that you can spend money on what’s important to you.
So, question is, what IS important to you? What are you thankful for this past year? Do you find that your budget follows your priorities?
I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving, I know we will. And don’t forget, if you want a jump start on your holiday shopping, don’t go to Black Friday with the crazies, just enter my $25 Amazon gift card giveaway and shop online from the comfort of your home while watching the news about how people turned into wild animals over a sub-par electronic device.
What a great post mate. Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. Mr.CBB
You as well, good sir!
Great post! Love the pictures 🙂
Thanks Michelle 🙂
Very cool to see the pictures of the family! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Thanks Lance, hope you enjoyed yours as well!
Great pictures. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks Andy.
What a beautiful family!
Thanks Holly.
Have a great Thanksgiving! We’re pretty thankful for a lot of things today, too! =)
You as well!
What a good-looking family!
Happy thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family.
Thanks David. Hope you had a fun holiday!
Beautiful photos!
For myself, I am grateful my family and my success and my career. I feel very fortunate to make a decent amount of money in a job I enjoy and be in a position to help my family out when needed.
That truly is a blessing!
The family pic is hilarious. Enjoy your thanksgiving!
Hah! Yea, we’re pretty awesome 🙂 . Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
Happy Thanksgiving. In North America, we have a LOT to be thankful for. That picture is hilarious with your family! Family and friends are so important.
We are all rich here, it’s true. Compared to any 3rd world country, we’ve got it made.
Yes, family comes first, no matter how weird or dysfunctional they may be.
Haha, very true, Terry!
That photo is a complete ‘crack up’. I bet hanging with your family is endless laughs. I’m thankful for pretty much the same things. My kids, wife, family, and church are probably the 4 more important parts of my life. It is a great thing to feel so blessed.
Cheers & hope your thanksgiving was wonderful.
We love getting together. Thanksgiving was another blast this year! Sounds like you’ve got it made as well 🙂
What a beautiful family! You are truly blessed, and it is wonderful that you are aware of it.
Thanks Pauline. I love family, we truly are blessed!