

I’m Jacob Wade, the Founder of Roadmap Money!

I am a husband, father, and self-proclaimed #budgetnerd!

Roadmap Money was created out a passion for helping you create a PLAN for your money and helping you keep more of it.

If you asked me 3 years ago what I thought I’d be doing today, it would not have included the following:

  • Selling everything and quitting my six figure job
  • Living in an RV with our family of 5 while traveling the country
  • Wearing flip flops in December 

Yet here we are.

Without our budget, NONE of this would have been possible.

So I want to pass on what I’ve learned over the past 10+ years of living on the budget and growing our wealth.

Here, you’ll find tips on starting and STICKING TO your budget, money saving tips to save BIG $$$ every month, and reviews on the best budgeting apps to help YOU take back control of your money!

My Story

I’m Jacob Wade, and I gave up on the “American Dream.”

There’s nothing wrong with going to college, working hard, and build a life you LOVE, but I found out that the typical dreams of previous generations are now designed to keep you TRAPPED, and do not allow the Freedom to live life on your own terms.

Through a decade of intentional saving, planning and choices, we realized that we could step off the highway of the typical American life, and jump on the road less traveled. 

I want to share the lessons we learned along the way, and show how YOU can build a Roadmap to Financial Freedom.

Who Is Jacob?

I’m just a regular guy with a passion for helping people understanding HOW MONEY WORKS.

I’ve also done a few crazy things in my life:

I am on a MISSION to spread the message of Financial Freedom, and to show that you can build a life you WANT, while still living a life you LOVE.

I have been writing about personal finance since 2012, and helping others make Better Money Decisions as a Money Coach since 2013. 

I have been featured as a money expert in many national publications such as

What Else?

I’m just a regular guy with a thing for budgets!

But here are 5 things that most people DON’T know about me:

  • I’m a black-belt in Shitō-ryū karate
  • I used to be a licensed Tax Professional (“Enrolled Agent” was my official title)
  • I once performed at a concert in front of over 150 (paying) people. I rapped. About video games. (No, I will not give you the YouTube link)
  • I am (sadly) a lifelong Seattle Mariners fan
  • I eat mostly organic food. Except Doritos.
Waynes World Doritos GIF

Please let me know if you need anything. I am here to help, and cannot WAIT until you start your journey to Financial Freedom!

I read ALL my emails, you can contact me directly HERE