
Go Spend Your Money PLEASE!

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Drop some cash!
Drop some cash!


I would say a majority of the pushback I get about budgeting is that it is a very limiting practice. I have also read elsewhere from those who do not enjoy budgets whatsoever (HOW?!) that budgeting brings in an element of guilt, causing failures to stick to the budget to bring shame and condemnation to the person who can’t make it work. But I am here to tell you that doesn’t need to happen, and you can still enjoy budgeting as much as a double scoop ice cream cone on a hot summer afternoon.

Go Spend Some Money

I am mandating this weekend a weekend to SPEND YOUR FREAKING MONEY! PLEASE!!!!

Many people wrongly interpret budgeting as the practice of removing everything fun from your budget so you can save billions into your retirement account to blow when you’re old enough to have a walker. FALSE. Budgeting is the act of assigning your dollars an identity so they go to the right places and STOP going to the wrong places. And the “right” places include spending money on stuff that you love to do.

So I want everyone who reads this to do something that may seem a bit counter intuitive. Go out this weekend, and spend money on something you want. PLEASE. Go buy that wicked awesome pair of shoes you have been eyeing. Pull out some cash and go to the ballgame. Go grab a pair of tickets to that Justin Bieber concert and burn them so at least two less sets of ears will be violated. Just please go spend some money to enjoy yourself, completely guilt-free, and laugh the night away. Remember that feeling, because that is exactly what budgeting should fee like.

Spending Is Not A Bad Thing, Wasting Is

The enemy of saving is not spending, it’s wasting. You should enjoy spending your money. The transaction between merchant and buyer should be mutually enjoyable. You get something you want at a fair price that’s in your budget, and they make a sale and a profit. It should be a win-win. But when you’re spending on junk you don’t actually care about, and wasting hundreds or dollars per month, that’s when you are shooting yourself in the foot. Just cut the crap and start spending on the cool stuff, things that fit in your priorities. Then you can enjoy spending more on stuff you care about, and saving more at the same time.

So go ahead. Spend some money this weekend. AND ENJOY IT! That’s what budget is all about. AND LET ME KNOW HOW IT GOES 🙂

Disclaimer: Obviously, common sense should be employed when spending money this weekend. Don’t spend your rent money, don’t waste money allocated for necessities. But please enjoy yourself. 🙂

Jacob Wade

Jacob Wade

Jacob Wade has been a nationally-recognized personal finance expert for the past decade. He has written professionally for The Balance, The Spruce, LendingTree, Investing Answers, and other widely-followed sites. 
He’s also been a featured expert on CBS News, MSN Money, Forbes, Nasdaq, Yahoo! Finance, Go Banking Rates, and AOL Finance.

In 2018, Jacob quit his job and his family decided to sell everything (including their home) to take off on an adventure. They traveled the country in an RV for nearly 3 years, visiting over 38 states, 20+ national parks and eventually settling in the sunshine state!

38 thoughts on “Go Spend Your Money PLEASE!”

    • NOOOOOOOO! STOP THE SHAME! you should spend money and enjoy it. That’s the whole point of budgeting! 🙂

      I enjoy spending dollars on fun stuff that I budgeted for. And even if I didn’t, if it’s important to me, I’ll adjust my budget to make it fit in, and spend less elsewhere 🙂

      You don’t have any consumer debt and make a ton of money. You should REALLY enjoy spending more 🙂

  1. Definitely an important message. I remember first reading about conscious spending from Ramit Sethi, and it was pretty eye-opening. All of a sudden budgeting wasn’t just a way to limit myself, it was a way to channel my spending towards things I actually cared about. When you think of it that way, some of the actual process still might be difficult but the end goal is much more positive.

    • I should probably read some Ramit Sethi, sounds like we’ve got a lot in common 🙂

      Spending is required, and it might as well be on stuff you enjoy. I mean, I guess if you enjoy hoarding and living in a cave, then do that. But most enjoy putting their buying power toward stuff they like, but end up wasting it on crap they don’t care about.

  2. Hey.. give me your money mate and I’ll spend it for ya!!! I agree. When we hardly saved anything in June it was because we renovated the landscaping which cost us over $3000 and the dog had surgery but it happens. We have to spend money sometimes and it will bust the budget and it’s not the end of the world as long as there is a plan to pick up the pieces. There’s nothing wrong with a splurge. So, cash is fine.. any denominations just let me know when you want to send it my way.. ha! Have a good one!

  3. I couldn’t agree more that spending isn’t a bad thing. That’s why we save, ultimately – to eventually spend it! Even if that eventually happens to be in our retirement. I love spending on things that mean something to me.

    • Yup! If retirement is important, then save toward that. But ultimately the money goes somewhere. Might as well enjoy it 🙂

      For me, I want to spend wisely and also save for future generations, so they can spend wisely and enjoy it, etc, etc.

  4. I started the weekend by putting half down ($2,658) on a new air conditioner so I’m definitely taking the “spend some money” mentality to heart. Haha.

    • Wow, I didn’t know A/C was that pricey! But hey, with the heatwaves going on, those are VITAL! Did you use your emergency funds? Or have it already budgeted for? 🙂

      • I’d been planning for it for a long time so I had the money saved. Of course now that it’s all installed (it took 4 days!), the weather changed from July to October-like. Perfect.

        Also, the reason it was that expensive is that I have hot water heat which means no ductwork. The price included installing ductwork plus an air handler and compressor.

  5. I think budgeting is not about controlling spending; it’s about understanding your spending, shining a light on it, so you can see clearly whether your spending fits with your long-term goals. If it doesn’t, you’re inspired to make changes!

  6. “The enemy of saving is not spending, it’s wasting” Amen to that. Creating a budget is like creating your truth. It’s what is real and and true and it’s just staring you in the face. I think that’s hard for a lot of people…to really see what is coming in and out. I think people often view it as some sort of prison sentence, but over time you get used to it and adjusted. It was hard for me at first as well…to see what I really made. But now having those boundaries makes me think about what is most important when it comes to spending.

    • Yeah, ignorance is bliss they say….UNTIL THE CREDIT CARD BILL COMES! I love that budgets are just pure. They tell it like it is, whether you like it or not, and help you make better choices. And that includes getting better at spending. 🙂

  7. It is always the misconception of a lot of people that we deprive ourselves to enjoy because we are always scared to spend and would want to just save and save and save. But we are just fooling ourselves with this idea and in the end, we regret not having to enjoy our life while we are still earning.

    • Yup. Don’t let it pass you by!. I am of the belief that you can spend more on stuff you care about than you currently are, and SAVE MORE at the same time. It’s all about priorities 🙂

  8. It has been a long time in coming, but wee went away for the weekend! The hotel was free including breakfast. Dinners and parking came to only $100. It was a great time!

  9. I need to get this into my head. I know it’s true logically, but wreck my life with buyers remorse on almost anything I purchase that isn’t an absolute need. Unless it’s an experience…like a vacation or concert (but even then, I’m not paying $100 per ticket.)

    • It is ok to spend. It is GOOD to spend. YOU SHOULD SPEND YOUR MONEY! Seriously! I know the feeling, but if you’ve set a budget, know your priorities, and should enjoy letting go of that money. You’ve earned it!

  10. Thanks, I think we all need to hear that sometimes. I’m certainly guilty of getting so focused on saving money that I hate spending it. I’ve never really liked shopping, but I do like spending money on experiences like going to a dance or going on a trip to a new city. Those kinds of things always leave me with good memories that make it worth the money. I should probably to more of that. =D


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