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All I see here is CA$H MONEY!!!
The following is a post from Kyle at The Penny Hoarder. Thanks Kyle for your help while I’m out helping people take money back from the government!
Dave Ramsey advocates that people who are in debt sell everything around the house. Sell so much stuff, he says, that the kids and dogs are afraid they will be next. Take a no holds barred approach to making as much money as quickly as you can to pay off as much as you can.
However, if you have quite a bit of debt, you may ruthlessly sell stuff around the house and still find yourself barely making a dent in your debt. If so, there are still other things you can sell, including your body, so to speak.
Consider these ways to make money with your body:
1. Sell your hair. If you are a woman who eats healthy, has untreated hair and has more than 12 inches of hair length to cut off at one time, you may be the perfect candidate to sell your hair. There are several websites that help you sell your hair, or you could use eBay. How much you earn will depend on the condition of your hair as well as the color. Some people earn as little as $50 while others earn a few hundred. Some women specifically let their hair grow for a year or two just to sell it. Then, two years later they do it all over again. Many doll makers buy the hair for their dolls.
2. Sell your face. That’s right, sell your face. According to The Huffington Post, two students in the U.K. who owe tens of thousands of dollars in student loans have been selling advertisements on their faces. While they started out charging a small fee, they now earn quite a bit more. In fact, they have earned $50,000 in 180 days! Not too shabby, if you don’t mind having a commercial on your face.
3. Sell your plasma. For an hour or so of your time, you can earn $30 to $50 selling your plasma. You can do this twice a week, so it is possible to earn $200+ a month selling plasma. You sit and relax and watch television or read or do your work while a machine separates out the plasma from the rest of your blood. Then, your blood is put back in your body. You get money and you are doing a good deed by helping those who need life saving plasma.
4. Sell your body. You can earn big money by signing up to be a human guinea pig for experimental drugs, but if you would rather avoid taking that kind of risk, there are other ways you can earn money in scientific studies. For instance, you can volunteer for sleep studies. These non-invasive studies pay very well and usually require that you spend a few nights sleeping in the research lab and being monitored.
If you have cleared out all the clutter from your house and you still need to generate more money to pay down your debt, you can use one or several of these ways to generate some extra cash and get out of debt faster.
Jacob Wade has been a nationally-recognized personal finance expert for the past decade. He has written professionally for The Balance, The Spruce, LendingTree, Investing Answers, and other widely-followed sites. He’s also been a featured expert on CBS News, MSN Money, Forbes, Nasdaq, Yahoo! Finance, Go Banking Rates, and AOL Finance.
In 2018, Jacob quit his job and his family decided to sell everything (including their home) to take off on an adventure. They traveled the country in an RV for nearly 3 years, visiting over 38 states, 20+ national parks and eventually settling in the sunshine state!
34 thoughts on “4 Crazy Ways to Earn Money to Pay Off Debt”
I love all of these “out-of-the-box” ways to make money! I too did they Dave Ramsey “sell so much stuff your kids think their next” plan. I sold video games, old electronics, books, etc. I also rented myself for manual labor such as Christmas light hanging/removal, lawn-mowing, window-washing and more!
Nice work! We have definitely purged a lot, a lot ended up going to places like Goodwill, but we have definitely made some money on Craigslist. I haven’t done the labor thing in a while because I’ve already got 2.5 jobs 🙂
Even though I don’t need the extra income, I would still sell my plasma if there was a place close by. Selling ad space on my face would be weird. I can’t believe they’ve made $50k in half a year. I might have to change my career path. 😉
Don’t forget shrink wrapping the car! If you’re willing to wear something on your face for extra cash than shrink wrapping the car should be a no-brainer. Although I’m not sure how easy or lucrative it might be to get your car shrink wrapped for cash.
I’ve thought about selling hair, but I donated it instead. Locks of Love makes wigs for little kids who are sick, so I like supporting them with my hair. =)
If I only had that much hair. 😉 I used to sell my plasma regularly when I was in debt. It was a great way to make $50 or so a week to make ends meet. Plus, they gave you cookies and would have decent movies on…double bonus! 🙂
At the NIH I was paid above $40/hr for the type of work I listed above. Invasive or inconvenient work paid more, of course. There was one study that paid $1k for living on campus for a week to be monitored (we could still work, just not go home at night) but I wasn’t qualified! Some people support themselves completely by doing studies.
At my current university, the pay rate for noninvasive stuff is $10/hr because of all the undergrads.
My hair is a disaster. I don’t think anyone would want it after all the perms in the 80’s. I did sell plasma once. It was OK, but kind of weird. If I needed the money, though, I’d do it again.
Interesting. I remember a few years ago when that guy started selling advertising space on his shirts and now he makes a ton of money and has a small company that does it in different cities. That is just thinking outside the box.
I love all of these “out-of-the-box” ways to make money! I too did they Dave Ramsey “sell so much stuff your kids think their next” plan. I sold video games, old electronics, books, etc. I also rented myself for manual labor such as Christmas light hanging/removal, lawn-mowing, window-washing and more!
Nice work! We have definitely purged a lot, a lot ended up going to places like Goodwill, but we have definitely made some money on Craigslist. I haven’t done the labor thing in a while because I’ve already got 2.5 jobs 🙂
Even though I don’t need the extra income, I would still sell my plasma if there was a place close by. Selling ad space on my face would be weird. I can’t believe they’ve made $50k in half a year. I might have to change my career path. 😉
Yea, man! I’d totally sell ad space on my face. You know, if I enjoyed the product…
I wish I had that much hair. 🙂
Don’t forget shrink wrapping the car! If you’re willing to wear something on your face for extra cash than shrink wrapping the car should be a no-brainer. Although I’m not sure how easy or lucrative it might be to get your car shrink wrapped for cash.
Hmmm, good thought. If the ad company paid for the shrink wrap job and some extra income per month, totally worth it 🙂
I’ve thought about selling hair, but I donated it instead. Locks of Love makes wigs for little kids who are sick, so I like supporting them with my hair. =)
Locks of Love is great. But I wonder if you can write off the donation…hmmmm…might as well take advantage of the tax laws 🙂
Glad to hear that selling your body wasn’t what it could have been 🙂
Totally the first thing that I thought when i read this, lol!
I would sell plasma as well if there was a place close by that offered money.
I couldn’t do it. I. HATE. NEEDLES! ~shudders~
I was just thinking the other day I really need a hair cut. Maybe I should check first to see if it would be worth anything.
Might as well! Make some cash, get a new dew. Sounds like a good day to me 🙂
Yes, sounds crazy but not unreal. I remember in the news before that there was a guy who sold his kidney.
Yea, that’s a little extreme. If my kidney goes anywhere, it’ll be donated to a loved one. But hopefully it stays inside me 🙂
If I only had that much hair. 😉 I used to sell my plasma regularly when I was in debt. It was a great way to make $50 or so a week to make ends meet. Plus, they gave you cookies and would have decent movies on…double bonus! 🙂
Hey man, do what you gotta do! My brother still does this, but I could never! (see above)
I’ve done several clinical studies for pay. The psych studies (particularly ones with MRIs) are the best – non-invasive and actually fun.
Hmmm, very interesting….do they pay well?
At the NIH I was paid above $40/hr for the type of work I listed above. Invasive or inconvenient work paid more, of course. There was one study that paid $1k for living on campus for a week to be monitored (we could still work, just not go home at night) but I wasn’t qualified! Some people support themselves completely by doing studies.
At my current university, the pay rate for noninvasive stuff is $10/hr because of all the undergrads.
My hair is a disaster. I don’t think anyone would want it after all the perms in the 80’s. I did sell plasma once. It was OK, but kind of weird. If I needed the money, though, I’d do it again.
Perms are awesome! And hey, I’m sure someone with no hair would want anyone’s hair, and they might also want a perm. 🙂
I’d definitely look into these options for a quick influx of cash. I need a haircut soon, too, but I’m not sure my hair is quite long enough.
Please tell me you’re going to advertise on your face. That would be awesome, plus you’d probably get more famous 🙂
Interesting. I remember a few years ago when that guy started selling advertising space on his shirts and now he makes a ton of money and has a small company that does it in different cities. That is just thinking outside the box.
I think I’ll start advertising on my pants. Not sure if anyone has tapped that merket just yet…. 🙂
Greg and I were going to sell plasma once many years ago but when we got there we didn’t have the guts to do it!
Who knew face advertising was worth so much money! That’s crazy!