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How Much Is 17 Dollars An Hour Per Year?
To calculate how much you will get paid per year, let’s assume you work 52 weeks of the year (with 2 weeks paid time off). If you are working a full-time job, you will be working 40 hours per week on average.
40 hours multiplied by 52 weeks is 2,080 working hours in a year.
$17 per hour multiplied by 2,080 working hours per year is an annual income of $35,360 per year.
Simple Tools To Live On $17 An Hour
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What If You Don’t Get Paid Time Off?
If you don’t get paid vacation, let’s assuming you are working 50 weeks of the year (with 2 weeks unpaid time off). And we’ll assume you work an average of 40 hours per week.
40 hours multiplied by 50 weeks is 2,000 working hours in a year.
Now simply multiply your hourly rate by the number of working hours in the year.
$17 per hour multiplied by 2,000 working hours per year is an annual income of $34,000 per year.
How Many Working Days Are In A Year (2020)?
For a more accurate calculation, you can calculate EXACTLY how many working days are in the year.
For the year 2020, it’s a leap year, so there are 366 days in the year. Here’s how the days break down:
- 262 Weekdays
- 104 Weekend Days (woohoo!)
Assuming your are working each weekday, 8 hours per day, here is how many hours you will work:
262 work days multiplied by 8 hours per day is 2,096 working hours in 2020
$17 an hour multiplied by 2,096 working hours is $35,632 income per year
*This does not include any overtime hours worked
How Much Is $17 An Hour Per Month?
If you want to see how much $17 an hour is a month, we need to know how many working hours there are in a month.
If we divide the total working hours in a year by 12 (months), we can see how many working hours are in a month.
2,096 hours a year divided by 12 is about 175 working hours per month on average.
So to calculate your monthly income, see below:
$17 an hour multiplied by 175 hours per month is $2,975 per month income on average.
How Much Is $17 An Hour Per Week?
If you want to break it out by week, let’s assume your working a normal 40-hour week.
So to calculate your weekly income, see below:
$17 an hour multiplied by 40 hours per week is $680 per week income.
How Much Is $17 An Hour Per Day?
Let’s see how much you can make per day on $17 an hour. Assuming you are working a typical 8-hour workday, here’s the answer:
$17 an hour multiplied by 8 hours per day is $136 per day income.
Comparison Table Of $17 An Hour
$17 An Hour | Total Income |
Yearly (52 weeks) | $35,360 |
Yearly (50 weeks) | $34,000 |
Yearly (262 Work Days) | $35,632 |
Monthly (175 Hours) | $2,975 |
Weekly (40 Hours) | $680 |
Daily (8 Hours) | $136 |
Monthly Take Home (175 Hours) | $2,406 |
Example Budget For $17 Per Hour
Now that you know how much you can make per year, per month and weekly, let’s see how a typical budget can look making $17 per hour.
Remember, for your budget, you need to calculate the estimated take-home pay.
Taking the $17 an hour monthly income of $2,975, minus taxes, the estimated take home pay is $2,406 (varies by state and paycheck deductions)
Sample Monthly Budget For $17 An Hour:
Category | Budget | Percentage |
Income | $2,406 | |
Giving | $241 | 10% |
Saving | $241 | 10% |
Food | $241 | 10% |
Utilities | $241 | 10% |
Housing Costs | $602 | 25% |
Transportation | $241 | 10% |
Health | $120 | 5% |
Insurance | $241 | 10% |
Recreation | $120 | 5% |
Personal Spending | $120 | 5% |
Total Expenses | $2,406 |
As you can see, this budget is fairly small, and would be great for a single person, possibly renting an apartment with roommates.
I would not suggest buying a house on $17 an hour, but you can still save a few hundred per month. I recommend that money go to your 401k, investing toward retirement with your company match.
Don’t like the budget? Grab your own budget template below and plug in your numbers for your $17 an hour budget.